November 26th to December 2nd | December 3rd to 9th | December 10th to 16th | December 17th to 23rd | December 24th to 30th |
I spent the weekend at my dad's house. I went to story time at the library. We had lots of stories about Christmas time and Santa. I made a Santa card. I sent it Grandma and Poppy.
I went to Probath's birthday party at McDonalds. We played pass the parcel, and ate ice-cream cake. I liked playing on the curly slides.
I went to my new school for my last orientation day. I met my new teacher Mrs Jamieson. She is really nice. Mum bought my school uniform. It is a yellow t-shirt with grey pants. I also got a new hat and school bag.
Mum and I put up the Christmas tree. It looks really good. It has lots of lights that flashs. I can't wait till Santa comes.
Mum and I went on the train to the cinema . We watched 'The Polar Express.' I had a lot of fun. I got some popcorn and a lemonade. After the movie I went to see Santa at the shops. I gave him a picture a drew for him. Santa gave me a packet of pencils and a colouring book. I sat on Santa's knee and had a picture taken. I asked Santa for batman lego.
Grandma and poppy sent me my Christmas presents. I put them under the Christmas tree. I can't wait to open them.
I went to the Christmas party at the the kids. Dad came too. Some people were singing funny songs while we ate some fruit. I played in in the playground with my friends. Santa came to the party as well. He gave me a super hero with it's own space rocket.
This was my last day at the kids. My friends are all going to different schools next year. I will miss them all very much.
I went to the Christmas party at the Cricket Club. Everyone had to wear funny hats. I wore my captain feather sword hat. I won $10 for the best kids hat. I played a game of pool with Jodie and Melissa.
Uncle Grant, Auntie Bex, Zoey and Jesse sent me lots of presents. Mum said I had to put them under the tree until Christmas day.
Merry Christmas Everyone. I spent Christmas with my dad, Deb, Pat and Maddie. It was Pat's birthday on the same day as Christmas. Santa left my lots of presents. I got a stereo, a ninja turtle poster, Spiderman lego, a Buzz that hangs from the roof and flies around, a skateboard.
Steve said that he left Santa a letter saying that I was at my dad's and could he come back on Sunday night with my presents. And he did. Monday morning there were lots of presents under the tree. I got a two ninja turtles, an electric scooter, turtle stencil book, magnetics, batman, superman, Snakes and ladders game, tiltin Milton game.
Thankyou everyone for my lovely presents that you sent me. I like them all very much.