Dad took me to the cinema to see 'A sharks Tale', but I cried because I really wanted to stay home and play the playstation. It turned out to be a good movie. Dad brought me some popcorn and a coke.
We had a Pyjama day at the kids. I wore my Spiderman Pyjamas and my Hotwheel's slippers. I was so excited. We had a special pyjama party. We ate chips and cake. We watched some videos too.
Mum took me to the park. I played on the see-saw with another boy. It was lots of fun. I showed my mum that I can now push myself high on the swing. She said that I was very clever at pushing myself.
Steve went to cricket. I went and watched him play. I played cricket with mum. I hit the ball into the tree. Mum said that I could have some of the cake that was for afternoon tea. It was yummy. I played at the park with another boy who was their watching his dad play cricket.
I can do tricks on my trampoline. My favourite is jumping on my bottom and then jumping straight up on my feet.
It was Steve's birthday. I made him a picture card. I drew him lots of balloons and presents on it. I went to give Steve his presents very early in the morning, but he was still asleep. So I watch t.v. for a little while and gave it to him when he woke up.
I slept at dad's house on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This was three sleeps!! Dad took me to the kids on the Friday. I was the first one there. I liked being first. Dad picked me up when he finished work at 5o'clock.
I was sick at dad's house. Dad said I could lay on the lounge until I was feeling better, but then I was sick on the floor. I was feeling better at dinner time.
I went to with mum and dad to my new school for a visit. I had a look in my classroom, it had lots of tables and chairs. I liked the kids drawings that were on the walls. I really liked the library it had lots of books on the shelves. I got to do some colouring-in while mum and dad talked to my teacher. I can't wait to start at my new school after the holidays.
I went to mummy's school. We watched a play called "The Lorax". This was funny. I liked the people singing and dancing. I didn't like the bad man. He made me scared. The girl on the roller skates was cool. I was clapping lots.
I made a vegetable garden with Steve. We went to Bunnings and brought some carrot and bean seeds, punnets of cucumber, lettuce, broccoli (see if ours gets as big as poppy's!), capsicum, tomatoes and coriander.
It was my Birthday I turned 5. I got lots of presents. I got a power ranger costume, connect four game, power ranger on a motorbike and AFL card game from Grandma and Poppy. I got some lego, Superman costume, Spiderman bubble web, and two teenage mutant ninja turtles from mum and Steve.